Join MEA

How to Join

1. are you a USC student?

Marshall Entertainment ASsociation welcomes all USC undergraduates (Freshman – Senior) from all majors! If you are a Master’s student, check out USC’s Business of Entertainment Association (BEA).

2. Venmo @uscmea

Please venmo @uscmea and include your name, major, and USC email address in the payment description.

  1. Fall Membership Fee (2 semesters): $20

  2. Spring Membership Fee (1 semester): $10

DUES are required to attend events and receive club communications. Each membership expires at the end of the academic school year.

** Don’t have Venmo? email us for alternative payment methods.

3. Enjoy!

We’ll take care of the rest! Registered members will receive invitations to exclusive panels, workshops, and studio tours. We’ll also keep you in the loop with industry news, curated internship opportunities, and upcoming events in our weekly member newsletter.


Our members enjoy exclusive access to career-driven events all year long! By joining MEA, you’ll receive unique opportunities to work with high level entertainment executives and professionals across the industry. Our one-of-a-kind networking and career development programs allows students to explore dozens of career paths and find their place in the world of entertainment.